


Scaling to build an exit strategy for the business.

that allows you to retire, sell the company, or achieve significant wealth.
Exponential growth and lasting financial freedom

We help solopreneurs and small B2B business founders to scale up by expanding into multiple markets, increase their revenue, and reduce their mental load.
We achieve this through coaching sessions and a simple, data-driven method that brings clarity in decision-making and precision in execution.

  • What does scaling mean?Where to start? Why is it so complicated?

    There are many ways to scale, and it involves numerous dimensions.

    so many questions to answer

    • Determining the Right Time to scale up ?

      Where and what to start with?What performance indicators need to be achieved before considering expansion?

    • Generating More Revenue ?

      How to increase sales without compromising product or service quality? What additional monetization strategies can be implemented?

    • Impact on Marketing and Customer Acquisition ? 

      What marketing strategies are most effective for reaching a larger audience?How to optimize he 19 growth channels for maximum return on investment?

    • Maintaining Quality ? 

      How to maintain product or service quality when the company grows?What quality control measures can be put in place?

    • The shift in mindset for scaling ? 

      How can we shift our perspective on money and investment to see them as necessary tools for growth rather than just expenses?
      What steps can we take to embrace and trust delegation, ensuring that tasks are effectively handed off to capable team members?
      How can we mentally prepare to accept potential debt, setbacks, and the challenges of scaling, and view them as part of the journey toward success?

    • Resource Management ? 

      How to efficiently allocate human, financial, and technological resources?What tools and software are necessary to support growth?What type of management set-up when we work only with freelancers ? 

    • Adapting Internal Processes ? 

      How to adapt processes and systems to manage larger scale operations?
      What are the best practices for managing large-scale operations?

    • Entering New Markets ? 

      What are the specific challenges of entering new geographic markets or customer segments?
      How to adapt the product or service offering for new markets?

    • Changing business model type ? 

      Is there a clear market demand for the new tech spinoff?
      Does the current team have the necessary skills and expertise to launch and manage a tech spinoff successfully?

    • Financing the Scale ? 

      What are the potential sources of funding for scaling (e.g., venture capital, loans, grants)?
      How will scaling impact the company’s cash flow and financial stability in the short and long term?

    • Technological Infrastructure ? 

      How to ensure the technological infrastructure can support rapid growth?
      What technology investments are necessary to support scaling?

    • Company Culture? 

      How to preserve and transmit company culture as the team grows?
      What initiatives can be implemented to maintain a positive and productive work environment?

Pricing - Special Offer

For the first 5 clients (2 spots left)

For the first 5 clients


per month

Up to 4 sessions of 2 hours per month.

1 session per week.

Each session is prepared and tailored in advance according to your business needs

For the following 5 customers

For the following 5 customers


per month

Up to 4 sessions of 2 hours per month.
1 session per week.
Each session is prepared and tailored in advance according to your business needs.

For the following 5 customers

For the following 5 customers


per month

Up to 4 sessions of 2 hours per month.
1 session per week.
Each session is prepared and tailored in advance according to your business needs.

For the first 3 clients (1 spot left)

Artboard 3

Scale session + Weekly clinic


per session

1 session every 3 days.

This allows time for the founder to digest each session 

and for my team and me to prepare the next one.

1 request per week on a business issue via WhatsApp

Each session is prepared and tailored in advance according to your business needs

For the following 5 customers

Artboard 3

Scale session + Weekly clinic


per session

1 session every 3 days.

This allows time for the founder to digest each session 

and for my team and me to prepare the next one.

1 request per week on a business issue via WhatsApp

Each session is prepared and tailored in advance according to your business needs

For the following 5 customers

Artboard 3

Scale session + Weekly clinic


per session

1 session every 3 days.

This allows time for the founder to digest each session 

and for my team and me to prepare the next one.

1 request per week on a business issue via WhatsApp

Each session is prepared and tailored in advance according to your business needs

Contents of sessions


Session 1: Business Audit

Quick Overview, Vision, Growth - Operations & Product Analysis People involved Revenue
It’s time to scale or notScale from inside or scale from outiside


Session 2: Overall view 

Having a global vision of the business, Big steps of ● Growth & marketing ● Operating model & delivery 
Identify what works & global pain points


Session 3 & 5 : Growth

Deep dive into Growth channels (marketing actions you've taken and results you had) 
Identify Ideal customer profile & offers hypothesis Value proposition talk / change


Session 4 & 6 - Ops 

Deep dive into your Ops & Delivery: Operating model / Product and service analysis (Operational steps for delivery) Identified pain points Prioritize where to focus the effort


Session 7 - Cash cow focus

Revenue analysis (which offers generate the most money / where are you losing money) 
Determine where to focus / in term of revenue


Goal Setting and Execution Session

Defining objective Key result Growth strategy and Ops plan Prioritization of initiatives 
Tracking actions Explanation of lean process management


Execution Follow-Up Session

Choose actions regarding Objective Key Results, improve and define new tasks Growth Process management 
Clinic session on issue you can haveImprovement of execution 


Lead Generation Session

Utilize the right channelsCreate contentSchedule appointments via AI(Delivered by myself) 
Create a Marketing and Sales Combination to Grow Your Pipeline


System Automation Session

Choose actions regarding Objective Key Results, improve and define new tasks Growth Process management 
Clinic session on issue you can haveImprovement of execution


Wilfried de Renty

Founder of CatapulZ 

In the past I had set up 3 startups, a consulting business, a corporate startup studio, and a scaling ventures for founders, corporate and investors. 
I know entrepreneurs. I love them.
While working remotely, I have met more and more solopreneurs and solofounders. I have seen their incredible skills and decided to help them reach the next level.
I know that their lives are full of ups and downs, and it's time to ensure some peace of mind for them. Not everyone gets the chance to make an exit at 80 million.
And before you get there, you have the right to start building your fortune and safe spot for your future. 

They trusted us

Examples of use cases we have worked on



"We found our most profitable business vertical to rely on for scaling in 5 weeks."

David. CEO of Weemo


"I had a traditional business with double-digit growth for 6 years and did not attract any funds. Today, I run a VC-backed business."

Renaud, Founder of FlyRSMB


"We onboarded the team and executed the right metrics on time to be in good shape for our Series A."

Liza, Cofounder of ComedStartup


'We needed to scale our distribution & set up internationally while maintaining our artistic expertise, and it took us 16 weeks"

Alex, Growth de SonoreSMB


"We were losing momentum in China with our smart bottle. It took them 8 weeks remotely to find use cases and focus on the most promising one to develop."

Yves, GM of PumaCorporate venture


"The usage rate of our connected dog collar was extremely low. Wilfried helped us pivot and find a professional B2B use for veterinarians."

Michel, Head of new businessesCorporate venture


"We had a wonderful algorithm and a weak distriubution and we were struggling to find our focus. We pivoted and executed our tech pureplayer strategy in 12 weeks by onboarding all the teams"

Cyril, CEO d'Icare


"We were selling too fast and too aggressively; operations and harvests couldn't keep up. We implemented agile delivery. We brought them up to speed in 16 weeks."

Gregory, Cofounder de Forest


"We had a great product but were struggling to increase our sales. After 12 weeks with Catapulz, we filled our pipeline with orders and pre-orders."

Daniel, CEO de Tea


Because if every idea were scaled, the world would probably be a better place.

Because all these idea bearers take risks in an uncertain future.

Because no entrepreneur should suffer from financial insecurity.


Feel free to contact us for any business or personal inquiries:

Head office in Paris

Location illustration photo

229 rue Saint-Honoré,75001 Paris


Lisbon Office

Location illustration photo

R. do Olival 42, 1200-742 Lisboa
